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Apocalypse no Toride, meaning Apocalypse Fortress, is a zombie-like apocalypse manga. Released in 2011 written by Kuraishi Yuu with the beautiful art done by Inabe Kazu, is about a 16 year old Maeda Yoshiaki who was accused with murder, but he didn't commit the act. He is sent to a juvenile detention centre, or reformatory, called Shouran Academy and is stuck in Cell 4 with some of centre's most cutthroat detainees. 
One Hell of a Demise

The texts follows the life of the Cell 4 inmates, Maeda, Yoshioka Masafumi(18), Iwakura(17), Yamanoi Mitsuru and there little ‘escapades’ trying to survive not only the zombie outbreak but also the other detainees attacks.
Don't Know How to Explain

This manga is somewhat gruesome although is in black and white, is not recommended for people who arnt into the gore, horror aspect of this manga. This manga is still ongoing and is released roughly monthly, not actually confirmed just rough estimates.
My favourite character would be Yamanoi, just because he is bodacious and well just plain awesome. 
Leave your fav in the comments section :P
With that I leave you

1 Response so far.

  1. Jess says:

    Great stuff. You should post something on Naruto Shippuden - my favourite anime. :)

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