Friday 2 November 2012 at 12:49 Posted by Urusai-Kun 0 Comments

Vol. 1 Cover

Lost+Brain is a mature psychological manga, written in 2008 by Akira Ootani. With the first volume released in May 16th and finished on August 11th 2008.

Hiyama Ren
The protagonist, or well an Anti-Hero, of this manga is Hiyama Ren who is sick of the mediocrity of the world and the people who dwell in it. He wants to change the world but had no idea on how to accomplish this mountainous task. This sounds awfully similar to Death Note I hear you say, well it starts awfully similar, but instead of killing everyone, like Light, he uses another method with little killing which is where the similarity ends.

Badas* Kuonji
The antagonist, or the Hero, is Kuonji Itsuki, who is a world class hypnotist who demonstrates the power of hypnosis to Hiyama which starts the plot rolling. But as the plot develops and Hiyama sees Kuonji as an enemy to his plans of world reformatory he hinders, Light and L?, him leaving room for the plot develop further.
Hiyama & Kuonji

Anyway with the recommendations and blah blah and all that jargon well, it’s not too violent or to vulgar and well if you liked Death Note you will almost certainly like Lost+Brain.
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