Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 21:24 Posted by Urusai-Kun 0 Comments

I apologise for the lack of post, I've been caught up in school and work so I've been having trouble to keep posting.

Ill try harder to keep posting as much as I can. Ill probably do more than series overviews, I might do episodes as well, so I can post more stuff quicker rather than waiting a few days to watch or read a series before posting. So here have a box of chocolate as an apology.

I will try to keep this one short, well hopefully.
Neon Genesis Evangelion was first published in Febuary 1995 and later aired in October and finally finished airing in March 1996, the manga also has several 'spin-offs' created. NGE (Neon Genesis Evangelion) is a deep psychological anime/manga with a, I find, confusing plot line as it nears the last few episodes in the anime.
All Three Eva's
The manga and anime have been praised as being one of the best created, even due to set backs with the anime due to the scheduling restraints it received, as well as removing a few scenes due to real life attacks on an Tokyo subway which looked similar.

Unit 01 Berserk.
The main protagonist in this series is Shinji Ikari, who is the son of Gendo Ikari who is the head of the company who runs the Eva program, Nerv. With his Eva Unit 01 takes on all the 'baddies' named "Angels", with other Eva pilots Ayanami Rei and Asuka Langley. The Angels were another possible 'humanity', but due to a series of events thousands of years ago the Angels lay dormant until the humans discovered the Angel Creator, Adam, and released his 'seal' for lack of a better term.
Rei, Shinji, Asuka
(Left to Right)

As Shinji and Co. take on the Angels, another group comes to light, Seele, who appear to be pulling the strings for an ulterior motive, The Human Instrumentality Project. I dont think I will go into all the little bits to save you time reading this, but if you want I will most likely post another, more elaborate post on NGE or you could google it if you are really curious.

On a side note; the series led to two movies being produced. 'The End of Evangelion' which has a more suitable ending for the series than the original and 'Death and Rebirth' which has some criticism amongst fans.
There is also 4 upcoming "Rebuild of" Evangelion movies, they are:
  • Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
  • Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
  • Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
  • Evanelion 4.0

So Heres the quick list of what to watch in order, if you are one of those people :P
  • The Original Series
  • The Death and Rebirth of Evangelion
  • The End of Evangelion
  • You Are (Not) Alone
  • You Can (Not) Advance
  • Q Quickening

So personally I would recommend this to anyone, its a classic, as well as a great psychological thriller which keeps you confused even till the end.

Leave your comments below about what you think of NGE!

Friday 2 November 2012 at 12:49 Posted by Urusai-Kun 0 Comments

Vol. 1 Cover

Lost+Brain is a mature psychological manga, written in 2008 by Akira Ootani. With the first volume released in May 16th and finished on August 11th 2008.

Hiyama Ren
The protagonist, or well an Anti-Hero, of this manga is Hiyama Ren who is sick of the mediocrity of the world and the people who dwell in it. He wants to change the world but had no idea on how to accomplish this mountainous task. This sounds awfully similar to Death Note I hear you say, well it starts awfully similar, but instead of killing everyone, like Light, he uses another method with little killing which is where the similarity ends.

Badas* Kuonji
The antagonist, or the Hero, is Kuonji Itsuki, who is a world class hypnotist who demonstrates the power of hypnosis to Hiyama which starts the plot rolling. But as the plot develops and Hiyama sees Kuonji as an enemy to his plans of world reformatory he hinders, Light and L?, him leaving room for the plot develop further.
Hiyama & Kuonji

Anyway with the recommendations and blah blah and all that jargon well, it’s not too violent or to vulgar and well if you liked Death Note you will almost certainly like Lost+Brain.
Also to generate some reader activity, leave your thoughts or opinions in the box below :P


Front Cover

Apocalypse no Toride, meaning Apocalypse Fortress, is a zombie-like apocalypse manga. Released in 2011 written by Kuraishi Yuu with the beautiful art done by Inabe Kazu, is about a 16 year old Maeda Yoshiaki who was accused with murder, but he didn't commit the act. He is sent to a juvenile detention centre, or reformatory, called Shouran Academy and is stuck in Cell 4 with some of centre's most cutthroat detainees. 
One Hell of a Demise

The texts follows the life of the Cell 4 inmates, Maeda, Yoshioka Masafumi(18), Iwakura(17), Yamanoi Mitsuru and there little ‘escapades’ trying to survive not only the zombie outbreak but also the other detainees attacks.
Don't Know How to Explain

This manga is somewhat gruesome although is in black and white, is not recommended for people who arnt into the gore, horror aspect of this manga. This manga is still ongoing and is released roughly monthly, not actually confirmed just rough estimates.
My favourite character would be Yamanoi, just because he is bodacious and well just plain awesome. 
Leave your fav in the comments section :P
With that I leave you

Book One

Elfien Lied is mature psychological horror which involves a very melancholy plotline. It began in 2002-2005, it was written and illustrated by Lynn Okamoto, and the adaption to anime began in June 2004 to October. Because the anime finished before the manga there is a slight plot difference at the ending of the story.
Lucy's Childhood

The Protagonist/Antagonist of thestory is a Diclonius called Lucy who escapes from an institution for revenge onhumanity but suffers from a three-way split personality. The main maleprotagonist is Kotah who moves with his cousin, Yuka, to go to university.

This is one Manga/Anime definitelynot recommended for the faint hearted or the people who are afraid of blood.This is more for the fans of angsty, social isolation type of theme.